Design : the Italian way

Studying the progress of Italian exports over the last twenty years, everyone notices that what could be described as the traditional sectors of « made in Italy », in the filed of consummer goods or consumer durables, have maintained a dominant position, notwithstanding the forecasts of those commentators who believed that the Italian exports system would undergo a drastic reduction as a result of its inherent characteristics.

Danilo Longhi (from the volume « Design : the Italian way »)

The reasons of the sector’s success and its conquest of a significant market shares, include from the companies, the consciousness of a perpetual change ; ever-higher standards of quality and a skill at converting creativity into innovative product ranges able to meet the expectations of costomers and attrack their attention, notwithstanding an environment of increasingly intense competition.

This situation is particularly true today for the sector of furniture and furnishings that traditionally an important segment of Italian exports.

However it is evident that the quest for innovation and creativity, often embodied by a host of small companies located in certain geographical areas specialising in furnishing, it is not sufficient in itself for sustained succes, without a powerful activity of communication and promotion at international level.

66 Italian Chambers of Commerce !

The organisation of Italian Chambers of Commerce over the world, with 66 chambers, is particularly aware of the necessities of promoting the « made in Italie » sector. As it is established in forty countries, it gave its support any new project, concious of the importance of the furniture design sector in the Italian économy and the prestige of Italian design in all over the world ; but équally aware that concerted effort and great attention to promotion are essential to maintain the reached position. This abroad chambers take a particular care to the opportunities of enhancing and divulging the aspects delineating Italy’s image and its culture of enterprise. Therefore projects represent initiatives that are coherent with their own mission.

The world of design is unique, and it offers a meaningful depiction of the combination of human, artistic and business qualities characterising the Italian manufacturing structure. It also includes companies that are often different one from another, in terms of dimensons but also of ressources. Probably the common denominator of all these different structures is their professional approach, and also their spirit of enterprise and the desire to try out innovatives solutions.